Beautiful 1 bedroom house, recently fully re decorated with the colour scheme grey and white, toilet downstairs and bathroom upstairs with bath (no shower), carpets all upstairs and on the stairs, laminate flooring all throughout downstairs, large back garden which had pebbles (so no grass to cut) council cut the front grass, lovely neighbourhood, very friendly neighbours, there’s bungalows opposite the house which are occupied by elderly people so very nice and quiet street, neighbours are very friendly and lovely people, looking to move as would like a bigger house so I have a spare room for my nephew for when he sleeps as he’s always asking to stay over but I only have 1 room which means I have to sleep on the sofa, all blinds will be left in the house which cost £550 just over a year ago, carpet and flooring only been down just over a year too, carpet will be cleaned before I move so you will have fresh carpet for moving in, if you’d like any photos let me know